Monday, 22 January 2018

This Time Next Year: Goals for 2018

I’m not really one for New Year’s resolutions. Though, last year another blogger tagged me in a #ThisTimeNextYear post and reading my goals for 2017 I can see I actually achieved quite a lot.

Giving yourself goals doesn’t necessarily mean you have to set yourself ridiculously high standards you’ll never be capable of meeting. It’s about giving yourself focus.

Looking back at the previous year and setting goals for 2018


Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The Life of a Social Butterfly Travels & Bucket List 2018

It’s getting to that time of the year again. While most are planning for Christmas, stocking up on food, presents and arranging family get-togethers, with roaring fires and festive films, I’m planning my travel bucket list for the upcoming new year...


Monday, 11 December 2017

Travel: Den Bosch at Night

Traditional Den Bosch with its cobbled streets, cute boutiques and Dutch heritage is a heart-warming place to visit. Though, you could be forgiven for thinking it’s a sleepy town come nightfall...

But, let me tell you, Den Bosch really comes alive at night!


Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Travel: Festive Shopping in Den Bosch

Traditional food, cobbled streets as well as unique shops. Den Bosch is perfect for a winter getaway to pick up some individual and festive gifts.

canal-side autumn colours in Den Bosch


Thursday, 23 November 2017

Travel: Fashion Finds In The Hague

Exploring South Holland’s city by the sea. Trendy concept stores, cute cafes and royalty! Read why I fell in love with The Hague.


Thursday, 16 November 2017

Lisbon's Best Instragram Photo Locations

Social media has taken over and these days more people than ever are using the app Instagram as a tool to find their perfect holiday destinations. Whilst the images portrayed on social media can often be far from the truth, it's so satisfying being able to track down a sightseeing spot you've been lusting over online. In this post, I have hunted down Lisbon's best Instagram photo locations so you don't have to!


Monday, 6 November 2017

Lisboa Pessoa Boutique Hotel

Contrary to my previous post where I surprisingly had a great stay at a hostel, my accommodation of choice is without a doubt a boutique hotel.

Lisboa Pessoa Hotel, Lisbon, Lux Hotels, Travel, Tbloggers, travel blogger, boutique, hotel, Weekend break, city break


Sunday, 29 October 2017

#WMGlobalTravellers: Lake District

I hadn't camped in fifteen years prior to my #GOCation camping with GO Outdoors in June. I'd never stayed in a hostel or done watersports prior to my recent #WMGlobalTravellers adventure and, the thought of both chilled me to the bone - Yet, here I was signing myself up for a travel lovers trip to the Lake District where I would not only be staying in a hostel, but I would be hiking and participating in various watersports.

#WMGT, #WMGlobalTravellers, #LakeDistrict, #Ullswater, #Windermere, #Ambleside, #BritishCountryside, #theLifeofaSocialButterfly, #WheresMollie, #tblogger, #TravelBlogger, #GroupTravel, #Adventure, #Weekend, #SoloTravel, #travel, #VisitEngland, #England, #Cumbria, #Scenic, #GreatBritain, #YHA, #Hostel, #YHAAmbleside, #nature, #MollieBylett


Monday, 25 September 2017

#SprinklesCafe - Visit Holland & easyJet event

Those of you read my Visit Holland #MeetTheDutchMasters post will know the Visit Holland team excel in their ability to throw a good party, and their recent #SprinklesCafe event collaboration with easyJet was no exception.

Guests at the press event were welcomed at the easyJet plane door, taken through all the vital security procedures before they were offered the usual drinks or snacks.


Saturday, 16 September 2017

Croatia: Top 5 Things to do in Dubrovnik

Croatia is a place that has been on my secret wanderlust Pinterest board for some time now. As an avid Game of Thrones fan, I can't help but be swept up in the captivating scenery of Croatia, evident in many of the scenes of the hit HBO show.

Dubrovnik, Croatia, Sunset, Old City, view, travel, blog, tbloggers Lokrum Island, GoT, Game of Thrones


Friday, 25 August 2017

Croatia: Dining in Dubrovnik

Dining in Dubrovnik: giving you a little taster of the culinary delights Croatia's capital has to offer...

Food, dining, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Food blog, Restaurant,


Tuesday, 4 July 2017

#GOcation camping with GO Outdoors

Glistening sunshine and an invite to the first ever GO Outdoors staycation in rural Kent will sound like nothing short of heaven to the thousands of campers who holiday in Britain every year.

A UK staycation exploring rural Kent with outdoor store GO Outdoors. The post includes a #GORoadtrip and #GOcation with campfires, activities such as hiking, biking and bush craft as well as plenty of camping fun.


Sunday, 23 April 2017

Hotel Review: Club Quarters, Trafalgar Square

Finding a beautiful hotel located within close proximity to the London Underground is such a prerequisite for me, particularly when staying solo.


Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Visit Holland #MeetTheDutchMasters Event

If reading back through my posts over the last year has taught me anything, it has shown me my love for attending events.


Tuesday, 12 July 2016

San Francisco: The City By The Bay

San Francisco is home to the Ghirardelli Chocolate Factory, SF Giants and the Golden State Warriors basketball team who have just had a fantastic season! This blog will be talking about all things San Fran from cable cars, food and my experience of this vibrant city.


Saturday, 18 June 2016

Planning A San Francisco Trip

Insight into why we chose San Francisco as a holiday destination, inspiration for planning your visit, where to stay and why you should visit this vibrant, fun and ideal foodie destination.


Sunday, 5 June 2016

California Dream; Becoming a Reality...

So it's hit me I will be in California in less than 72 hours amongst the Californian girls with their Hollywood smiles, luscious blonde locks, long legs, toned abs and sun-kissed bodies!


Sunday, 29 May 2016

Blooming Britain

London was in full bloom this week with the annual Chelsea Flower Show and the Queen’s official birthday celebrations evident with Union Jack flags decorating Regent Street and Carnaby Street, marking a proud week to be British.


Monday, 9 May 2016

Camden & Shoreditch

A blog embracing the open-air food culture, vibrant bars and markets of Camden & Shoreditch including an Alice in Wonderland themed rooftop bar and mysteriously located Magic Roundabout club event entered via a secret passageway in a London tube station.

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