Sunday, 29 October 2017

#WMGlobalTravellers: Lake District

I hadn't camped in fifteen years prior to my #GOCation camping with GO Outdoors in June. I'd never stayed in a hostel or done watersports prior to my recent #WMGlobalTravellers adventure and, the thought of both chilled me to the bone - Yet, here I was signing myself up for a travel lovers trip to the Lake District where I would not only be staying in a hostel, but I would be hiking and participating in various watersports.

#WMGT, #WMGlobalTravellers, #LakeDistrict, #Ullswater, #Windermere, #Ambleside, #BritishCountryside, #theLifeofaSocialButterfly, #WheresMollie, #tblogger, #TravelBlogger, #GroupTravel, #Adventure, #Weekend, #SoloTravel, #travel, #VisitEngland, #England, #Cumbria, #Scenic, #GreatBritain, #YHA, #Hostel, #YHAAmbleside, #nature, #MollieBylett

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