Tuesday, 4 July 2017

#GOcation camping with GO Outdoors

Glistening sunshine and an invite to the first ever GO Outdoors staycation in rural Kent will sound like nothing short of heaven to the thousands of campers who holiday in Britain every year.

A UK staycation exploring rural Kent with outdoor store GO Outdoors. The post includes a #GORoadtrip and #GOcation with campfires, activities such as hiking, biking and bush craft as well as plenty of camping fun.


Sunday, 23 April 2017

Hotel Review: Club Quarters, Trafalgar Square

Finding a beautiful hotel located within close proximity to the London Underground is such a prerequisite for me, particularly when staying solo.


Monday, 3 October 2016

Lush Halloween & Christmas Bloggers Event 🎃 🎅

Last week I attended the Lush MK event at IntuMK to showcase their new Halloween & Christmas products, a soirée involving Halloween themed cupcakes, treats and exciting demos from the Lush MK team.

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