Monday, 22 January 2018

This Time Next Year: Goals for 2018

I’m not really one for New Year’s resolutions. Though, last year another blogger tagged me in a #ThisTimeNextYear post and reading my goals for 2017 I can see I actually achieved quite a lot.

Giving yourself goals doesn’t necessarily mean you have to set yourself ridiculously high standards you’ll never be capable of meeting. It’s about giving yourself focus.

Looking back at the previous year and setting goals for 2018


Sunday, 31 December 2017

2017: The Happiest Year

As the curtains fall on another year (how has it come around so quickly?!), it's time to reflect on what 2017 meant to me.


Wednesday, 13 December 2017

The Life of a Social Butterfly Travels & Bucket List 2018

It’s getting to that time of the year again. While most are planning for Christmas, stocking up on food, presents and arranging family get-togethers, with roaring fires and festive films, I’m planning my travel bucket list for the upcoming new year...


Saturday, 31 December 2016

A Real Reflection On 2016...

Because if it's not real, what's the point?! 

It was the year dubbed the worst year ever, with Brexit, Trump and Honey G taking the media by storm. Though, with an end to 2016 and the start of a New Year, it seems apt to reflect on the last twelve months and what 2016 has meant to me.

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